
I´ve finally sold my little house to buy my tiny apartment.

I needed the change for many reasons, the main one being I was worn out after almost three years of trying and trying even harder to make my little house home. There is a point you have to bow before the evidence: it´s not working.

I did.  Bow before the evidence.  I didn´t want to feel I was the walking version of the definition of insanity. You know, doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result?

I said goodbye to contractors, goodbye to worries every time it rained or when I heard a noise coming from the rooftop, or when hailstones hit on the glass roof and I knew it was left unprotected. That sort of things.

Now I just enjoy the urban landscape from my balcony without thinking that some poor job may hurt me or others.

I have a lot to do in here but as it´s small I don´t care much.

View from the kitchen

2 thoughts on “September

    • Thank you Ali !!! next thing is parachuting LOL
      The view is really beautiful day and night too, when the city turns on its lights. That was the view from the kitchen. From the bedroom you can see the Avenue and the traffic lights when turning red yellow or Green give you the impression it´s a x-mas tree!! very nice!! Thanks for stopping by!!

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