A pause

The last days of the year, I went to visit a friend who runs a camping site. It`s the time of the year when she is awfully busy and help doesn`t come till January so I promised to give her a hand while there. It`s not that she asked for my help but it was my way of saying thanks for all the good things she always did for me. And it was also a pause, a retreat.

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After my first cup of coffee,  I watered the plants. Well, the ones at the entrance since it`ll be awfully difficult to go with the hose in the mountain!!

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The poor plants suffered from the heat and the lack of rain so we had a talk every morning in which I promised them plenty of water in exchange of their bright colors. We honored our promise.

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Once I had talked to all of them, I went to the kitchen area for a cup of ice tea and shared it with two of the most important inhabitants of the site.

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My next chore was to sweep the pool and after that make sure that I had done a good job so it took me an hour of swimming to double-check that the bottom of the pool was completely clean 🙂 Nobody can say I`m not thorough.

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After lunch I usually took a nap in the hammock, one of my favorite places to read a book. And one of the fresher at that time of the day!!

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Sometimes, I had company

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When the sun went down I usually went for a walk.

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She was two days old in this picture, was born on X-mas! but every time I came close, they run …

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All good things come to an end and I had to fly back home.

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This is how I started this new year.


She had spent the whole morning in the sun, without sunblock and as a result she got as red as a beetroot.  That afternoon we were hanging out in the deck, me having some beer, she was reading a book and suddenly it hit me:  I had found a solution to her problem so I took a picture and showed it to her. We had a good laugh and both loved the picture!!

Days and nights

My days on the boat were more or less like this:

1. some time in an island
2. some time in the ocean (sailing, snorkeling, swimming)
3. some time walking, watching wildlife
4. some time eating
5. some time chatting
6. some time drinking
7. some time sleeping




drinking, eating, chatting

Not a bad life!!!

In blue

When in Galápagos, you find there are plenty of “free shows” to see.

One of them is performed by the blue footed boobies. These birds are all around the islands. The Blue-foot dives into the ocean and swims underwater in pursuit of its prey.  Blue boobies travel in parties of about 12 to areas of water with large schools of small fish. When the lead bird sees a fish in the water, it will signal the rest of the group and they will all dive together in unison and go to depths of 80 ft.And then, the show starts again.